This is the tale of my battle against morbid obesity. I have a husband that supports me no matter what crazy idea I've conjured up, an 18-year old daughter, a 15-year old daughter, and a 13 -year old son. I have a full-time job at The Medical College of WI. I am blessed to have amazing family and friends. I have so much to live for so I'm going to slay this demon and live happily ever after!

Saturday, December 14, 2013

154 - For anyone keeping track, I'm a couple of days late on this post.  My new job responsibilities are a bit more than I had anticipated so I've been heading in to the office by 630am.  That doesn't leave a lot of time for blogging, or waking up.  :)  So, better late than pregnant, right?!?

I've got one more paper to write and two more exams.  I'm a little concerned since it's an impromptu paper with a writing time of 2 hours.  I love to write, BUT my best ideas need time to marinate in my brain for hours (and sometimes even days) before falling into place and producing quality work.  As soon as I open the link to determine the topic, the timer starts, and hopefully my creative juices will be flowing bright and early tomorrow morning.  That's when I'm going in . . .     My exams will be tough but I've got until Tuesday and Thursday to get a handle on the digestive system, reproductive system and the over-discussed physiological effects of Viagra.  We seriously spent 45 minutes in class the other night discussing the schematics of the effects.  I'm not really into the technical aspects, so I drew an endearing cartoon with stick figures that pretty much summed up what happens without the drug.
Sometimes, my humor is the only thing that's going to get me through the busy work that we are assigned.

Reilly's got a basketball tournament this weekend.  I've got a couple of more items to wrap; ridiculously odd-shaped and impossible for last.  Watch your mailboxes for The Turk Family holiday letter!

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